BIS, Denied & Restricted Parties, Enforcement, OFAC, Sanctions, Violations & Fines
By: Danielle Hatch Apple, Inc. voluntarily disclosed to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) its violations related to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Sanctions Regulations (FNKSR). In 2008 Apple entered into an app development agreement with SIS, d.o.o. (SIS), a...
Denied & Restricted Parties, Enforcement, OFAC, Sudan, UAE, Ukraine, Violations & Fines
By: Danielle Hatch Apollo Aviation Group, LLC (“Apollo”), a Florida company that invests in aviation by acquiring, refurbishing, marketing, and leasing commercial jet aircraft, engines and related assets, and disassembly and resale of aircraft and components has...
Denied & Restricted Parties, France, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Sanctions, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Syria, Turkey, UAE, UK
On November 13, 2019 the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) added 22 more entities to the current Entity List. BIS also removed three entities from the list in the same Federal Register Notice. BIS imposes a license requirement for all items subject to the EAR and...
Denied & Restricted Parties, Enforcement, Iran, Sanctions, UAE, Violations & Fines
By: Danielle Hatch Behrooz Behroozian, 64, of Columbus, Ohio has been sentenced to spend nearly 2 years in prison for illegally exporting gas and oil pipeline parts to Iran. Behroozian was born in Iran in 1955 and came to the United Sates in 1976 where he became a...
BIS, China, Commerce Dept, DDTC, Defense Trade Controls, Denied & Restricted Parties, Enforcement, Violations & Fines
By: Danielle Hatch Fan Yang, 34, a naturalized citizen of the United States and Lieutenant in the US Navy and his wife, Yang Yang, 33 (also a naturalized citizen) have been arrested on charges of conspiring to smuggle military-style inflatable boats, with Evinrude MFE...
BIS, CCL, Commerce Dept, Cuba, Denied & Restricted Parties, Export License
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has published a final rule amending the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to further restrict exports and reexports of items to Cuba. The final rule amends the Cuba licensing policy in the EAR to establish a general rule...