EAR, Export Compliance, Export Controls
The phrase “subject to the EAR” is so ubiquitous to exporters that its meaning sometimes gets lost – especially in organizations where export compliance is a part-time role. Here’s an overview of what “subject to the EAR” means, and why the Export Administration...
China, EAR, Export Controls, Hong Kong, Taiwan
As export markets for U.S. businesses, Hong Kong and Taiwan share enough similarities that they’ve often been considered together in discussions about trade with the Pacific Rim. But due to changing U.S.-China relations, these significant trading partners are headed...
Certification, EAR, Export Compliance, ITAR
Businesses dipping their toes into export activities will inevitably run into regulatory considerations arising from the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), or both. Not only can non-compliance subject...
EAR, Export Controls, ITAR
When it comes to exporting products overseas, companies have to weigh a wide-ranging number of regulatory considerations when managing their overseas relationships. These include the International Traffic and Arms Regulation (ITAR), which the State Department...
EAR, Export Compliance, Export Controls, ITAR
As your organization explores global opportunities and engages potential overseas partners, your company will need to assess and run through specific compliance considerations to ensure your activities are in the clear. If you will be exporting items overseas or will...